Erin Hill
Real Life Magic + Telepathic Landscapes
Real Life Magic is a way of looking at the world and noticing those things in life that strike awe. This awe can appear out of a gap of understanding, from a moment of
incomprehensibility, or a feeling of awe despite fully understanding what you’re seeing.
Telepathic Landscapes is a channelling practice between two people. It involves closing your eyes, and seeing. This seeing is a form of listening, and through it a story is received from one to the other. Telepathic Landscapes is the storytelling of this immediate invisible landscape. It is a practice of the indelibly separate and the deeply woven.
From Montréal, Erin Hill works as a choreographer, performer and writer and has been known to collaborate with other entities such as the sunrise and the radio. Through dance, dreaming and daily practices, Hill is curious about creating and tuning into spaces of communal somativity. Her work has been presented in festivals across Canada, in New York, Amsterdam, Austria, Germany and Lebanon.