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keyon gaskin

this is a performance. you are a community. you are my material. this is a prison. leave when you want.

"gaskin’s work is less about a whole picture –– a total or totalizing knowledge –– than it is about intimacy, failure to see, nearness that obstructs rather than clarifies, complicates… an expression of that nearness, an interrogation of modalities that insist on clear pictures, on accounts of what was missed. Instead, this work unsettles, undoes, asks what it means, looks like, feels like, to come undone, to see only fragments, to have little or no context."

- Litia Perta, art&education


keyon gaskin prefers not to contextualize their art with their credentials.


The performance of keyon gaskin is made possible with the support of If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution.

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