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Ropes Aligned & Isabel Cordeiro

Unfolding Multitude, performance

This edition FLAM welcomes the WhyNot production ‘Unfolding Multitude’, a co-creation of vertical dance collective Ropes Aligned, visual artist Isabel Cordeiro and sound artist Gemma Luz Bosch in which visual art, vertical dance and ceramic sounds come together and gravity is being defied.


What’s that mass throbbing and humming in the air? An organism of some sort? A shrub, a sea urchin, a swarm of bees? A multitude. A suspended entanglement of bodies and ropes. They hold each other knotting limbs and hands and heads and armpits and toes and wrists. Softly grappling, they seek support and offer rest to each other.

In slow descent the entanglement unravels releasing the bodies, one by one. While drawing the connected ropes —the umbilical cord, the tentacle, the kundalini, the life support— bodies reveal their individual mission, which unfolds in sound, dance and in the engagement with the surrounding materiality. The intelligence of the multitude is articulated.

Performers: Suzanne de Bekker, Natasja Bode, Mees Siderius, Gemma Luz Bosch, Isabel Cordeiro

Drawing Verticality '15, video

In parallel, landscape architect Anna Fink, conducted a research inspired by the process of the artists for Unfolding Multitude. The film Drawing Verticality is the result. A production by Festival WhyNot, Director and editor Angela Lidderdale, Drawings by Ernst Haeckel, Bernhard Siegfried Albinus, Joseph Campbell, Thomas C. Wang, Charles Darwin, Steven Holl, Le Corbusier, Ogwa, Lore Kutschera, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Peter Apian, PTB



Natasja Bode and Suzanne de Bekker (Ropes Aligned), both graduates of the University of the Arts with a Bachelor's in Dance from the Theater School in Amsterdam, have over 10 years of experience as dancers. They trained in silks with various companies and formed 'The Aerialettes' in 2017, specializing in aerial dance performances. Their passion for aerial dance led them to explore vertical dance, prompting a trip to Ireland for training with Linsey Butcher and later with Il Posto in Italy.


Isabel Cordeiro, born in Lisbon, Portugal, now resides and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. holds an MFA from the Piet Zwart Institute (2006) and an MA in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of Lisbon (2000). Her exhibitions include The Relational Nature of Things (2017) in Amsterdam, Pushing Boundaries (2016) in Rotterdam, and Zwischen Innen und Aussen (2010) in Vienna. Cordeiro works in painting and installation.


About WhyNot

WhyNot is a platform that fosters innovation in contemporary dance and performance, creating an open environment for these art forms. It moves dance out of traditional theaters to unique locations, offering fresh perspectives. In addition to the WhyNot festival, the platform hosts various activities and produces interdisciplinary works to explore new formats. WhyNot connects dance with other creative disciplines, encouraging the emergence of new forms.



Choreography: Ropes Aligned | Isabel Cordeiro Concept/artwork: Isabel Cordeiro
Composer/music: Gemma Luz Bosch
Musician: Mees Siderius
Artistic advice: Marjolein Vogels
Sound: Matthijs Ruijter
Production: Isha Plug
Co producing partners: EKWC, Panama Pictures, Space is the Place (SITP), WhyNot, Motorblok Zaandam Rigger: Roan Lo-a-Njoe,

Unfolding Multitude is made with the support of AFK, FPK, van Bylandt Stichting, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds NH, Stichting Stokroos, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and SITP



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